Hot Service on Sale

Hot service I: Chinese Food Label Service (No Consulting Fee)
Advantages: A Chinese food label review for free and 50% discount of other label service
  • Review the Chinese label provided by client and make it comply with Chinese food regulations. [Original price: 150USD per label, current price: free for the first label review and 75 USD for each additional one]
  • Generate a totally compliant Chinese label based on original label [Original price: 250USD per label, current price: 125 USD per label]
Don’t miss the chance to take this Christmas discount! Please click here to download the Application Form, and send it to
Period: CIRS receives the Application Form before 25 December 2015.
Hot service II: Food Ingredients Review Service (No Consulting Fee)

Advantages: 2 food ingredients (including food additives) review for free and 50% discount of more food ingredients.
  • Review if the food ingredients are approved to be used in China and if their dosages are compliant, including food additives.[Original price: 100USD within 2 ingredients and 20USD for additional one, current price: free for the first 2 food ingredients review and 10 USD for each additional one]
Don’t miss the chance to take this Christmas discount! Please click here to download the Application Form, and send it to
Period: CIRS receives the Application Form before 25 December 2015.

More information, please contact

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Tel:+86 (0) 571 87206538
ADD: 11/F., Bldg 1, Dongguan Hi-Tech Park, 288 Qiuyi Rd Binjiang District Hangzhou, China