A record filing for subcontracting production of food additives is no longer needed

15 September 2014, the China Food and Drug Administration (CFDA) has published a Notice (CFDA Notice No. 46 of 2014) to announce that record filing for subcontracting production of food additives will be canceled. This notice will take effect immediately.


1. Any record filing for subcontracting production of food additives with local CFDA was exempted from now on.
2. Subcontractor should be licensed with valid production certificate. Food additives should be labeled in compliance with food safety laws and regulations.
3. Supervision on subcontracting production of food additives should be in accordance with AQSIQ Notice Number 127 of 2010, namely supervision and management of the production of food additives.
If you would like to get more information, please send us an email.




Ms. Alice YangFood & Health Products, CIRS China
11F Dongguan Building, 288 Qiuyi Road, Binjiang District, Hangzhou, China, 310020
Tel : +86 571 8720 6555 | Fax : +86 571 8720 6533
Email: Alice.Yang@cirs-group.com

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ADD: 11/F., Bldg 1, Dongguan Hi-Tech Park, 288 Qiuyi Rd Binjiang District Hangzhou, China