CIRS Group
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Joint Webinar: China GHS (GB30000.1-2024) & International Emergency Response Compliance


CIRS will hold a joint webinar on October 10, 2024, with CHEMTREC, the world’s leading emergency telephone number provider. The webinar consists of two hot topics:

  1. Interpretation of China’s GHS – GB 30000.1-2024 - Specifications for Classifications and Labelling of Chemicals; and
  2. Emergency Response Compliance – Providing Clarity in a Challenging International Regulatory Arena.  

Don't miss out on this opportunity to enhance your regulatory knowledge and support product compliance around the world. Register now and stay ahead of evolving regulations!

Schedule and Registration





October 10, 4:30-5:30pm (GMT+8, Beijing Time)

Interpretation of GB 30000.1-2024 "Specifications for Classification and Labelling of Chemicals” - main GHS national standard in China

Lila Tao

Chemical Regulatory Consultant, CIRS Group

Register here

Emergency Response Compliance – Providing Clarity in a Challenging Intl.

Richard Davey International Business Director, CHEMTREC

October 10, 3:30-4:30pm (GMT-4, US Eastern time)

Interpretation of GB 30000.1-2024 "Specifications for Classification and Labelling of Chemicals” - main GHS national standard in China

Lucy Wang

Chemical Regulatory Consultant, CIRS Group

Register here

Emergency Response Compliance – Providing Clarity in a Challenging Intl.

Richard Davey, International Business Director and Fabien Daniel

Emergency Response Technical Advisor, CHEMTREC

Note: You will receive emails with a link one day and 15 minutes before the webinar starts. By clicking that link, you shall be able to join our webinar automatically. Please note that space is strictly limited to a maximum of 500 attendees.

Registration Fee


Main Contents

Topic 1: Interpretation of China's main national GHS standard – GB 30000.1-2024 Specifications for Classification and Labelling of Chemicals.

On July 24, GB 30000.1-2024 "Specifications for Classification and Labelling of Chemicals - Part 1: General Rules" was officially released, and the full text of this standard was published at the end of August.

GB 30000.1-2024 replaces GB 13690-2009 "General Rule for Classification and Hazard Communication of Chemicals". This marks the second revision of this standard since its initial publication in 1992, and it will be mandatory starting from August 1, 2025.

Against this backdrop, to aid companies in comprehensively interpreting the historical journey of this regulatory update, CIRS Group is pleased to launch this presentation to deliver expert insights and practical guidance. The updating of this standard signifies further enhancement of national GHS regulations and hints at the direction of future regulatory updates. With this will come the updating of a complementary series of GHS standards, so stay tuned for more developments!


1. Regulatory background

2. Significant changes compared to the previous standard

3. How to comply with the updated standard

Topic 2: Emergency Response Compliance – Providing Clarity in a Challenging International regulatory arena.

With over 50 years of expertise in emergency response, CHEMTREC is thrilled to invite you to this joint webinar! We will provide an overview of the complex requirements for emergency telephone numbers worldwide, along with guidance on how your organization can comply with them.


  • Draw on regulatory experts in the region and around world
  • Highlight key international supply and transport regulations
  • Help you understand the stringent emergency response and hazardous product requirements in key international markets

CHEMTREC will also focus on compliance in strict regions, touching on some of the key APAC, North and South American markets. There will also be a focus on Europe, with its perplexing emergency response and poison center phone numbers requirements, which have confused many companies – this session will help provide clarity that you need!


Lila Tao, Chemical Regulatory Consultant, CIRS Group

Ms. Lila Tao has worked in CIRS group for several years and has served numerous enterprises to comply with global chemical regulations, including China REACH, EU REACH, Global GHS, K-REACH, etc. She has rich experiences on new substance registration under China MEE Order No. 7 and deep understanding on China MEE Order No. 12, and also provides support on a range of China chemical regulatory issues for dozens of enterprises from chemical industries.

Richard Davey, International Business Director, CHEMTREC

Rich joined CHEMTREC in 2019 and serves as the Director of International Business. With over 20 years of experience working with public and private sector organizations who have complex risk and compliance challenges, Rich is responsible for forming strategic partnerships with international accounts that interface into and out of the U.S.

Having worked with many multi-national businesses, Rich uses his experience to develop international partner networks around the world. His international customers truly value Rich’s efforts to minimize operational risks and help with compliance whilst protecting their bottom line.

Fabien Daniel, Emergency Response Technical Advisor, CHEMTREC

Fabien joined CHEMTREC 4 years ago, drawing on over 20 years of experience providing critical information to the chemical industry, emergency services and the public in the event of a chemical incident. Your emergency numbers are not only essential for the safety of your supply chain, the emergency services and your customers, they also play an important role in your organization’s Crisis Management, Business Continuity and Customer Service.

Lucy Wang, Chemical Regulatory Consultant, CIRS Group

Ms. Lucy Wang graduated from George Washington University with a Masters degree in Environmental and Green Chemistry. She has been researching chemical regulations in different countries, and is responsible for managing the US market at CIRS. Lucy helps to serve enterprises with professional regulatory compliance consultancy.

System Requirements

On PC: Before joining a Zoom meeting on a computer, you can download the Zoom app from Download Center. Otherwise, you will be prompted to download and install Zoom when you click on the join link.
On Mobile Service: Zoom mobile app can be downloaded from the App store or the Google Play Store

If you need further assistance about joining the webinar, please click here to Zoom Help Center.




About CIRS

The CIRS Group is a leading product safety and regulatory consulting firm that uses its technical expertise, resources, and international network to provide comprehensive compliance services globally. This includes chemical notifications and registrations, global GHS compliance, laboratory testing, R&D, and data services across multiple industries.

Established in 2007, the CIRS Group was the first company in China to offer support with EU REACH registrations and now accounts for 70% of the Chinese chemical consulting market. Making it a major representative of the Chinese manufacturing industry. It is headquartered in Hangzhou, China, and has subsidiaries in Ireland, South Korea, the UK, and the USA.


With over 50 years of experience, CHEMTREC’s world-leading emergency response call center operates on a 24-hour basis, seven days a week, providing emergency response information wherever hazardous materials are manufactured, stored, transported, or used. With the right procedures and protocols in place, and by doing what’s right quickly and effectively, CHEMTREC helps protect people, minimize environmental impacts, and preserve the assets and reputations of its customers.

CHEMTREC’s extensive set of incident response capabilities include a worldwide network of responders, interpretation for more than 240 languages, and other resources—to quickly help mitigate incidents involving hazardous materials and dangerous goods anywhere in the world, at any time.


We have launched a LinkedIn newsletter to keep you up to date on the latest developments across the chemical industry including food and FCMs and personal and home care.

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