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ECHA Requires Companies to Provide More Data on Nanoforms

from ECHA by

ECHA has only received 95 unique submissions for 36 substances covering nanoforms according to the updated REACH requirements. According to the data from the Belgian and French national inventories and the European Commission’s catalogue of nanomaterials used in cosmetic products, ECHA expected to receive updated registrations for approximately 300 substances.

ECHA is engaged in several short-term actions to help improve compliance, for example, by revising the Nanomaterials Expert Group’s mandate to allow more support for decision making and updating manuals, instructions and guidance for human health and environmental endpoints.

Where validated test methods for meeting REACH Annex VII and VIII information requirements are not yet available, ECHA has published a template to support registrants in documenting practical constraints and to help ensure they can show they have made all possible efforts to meet the information requirements.

ECHA reminds companies that without a valid registration, nanomaterials that fall within the scope of REACH are currently illegally on the market.


Updated REACH information requirements for nanoforms of substances have applied since 1 January 2020. Beyond this date, companies must have a REACH registration compliant with these requirements to manufacture or import nanoforms of substances. The purpose of the new requirements is to make sure companies provide adequate data to show the safe use of their nanoforms for human health and the environment.




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