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Taiwan Chemical Substance Inventory (TCSI) has been Updated by MOL

from CIRS by

Before 2014, MOL published 3 batches of existing chemical substance lists and during January to March in 2015, EPA published more than 7,700 substances as existing chemical substances. By now, TCSI contains over 100,000 existing chemical substances.

After the compilation of the chemical substances nominated by MOL and EPA, TCSI will then be the only chemical inventory that applicants need to refer to for the registration under MOL and EPA. Moreover, advanced search function has been developed and incorporated in the system for searching options.

The updated TCSI can be searched here.

CIRS is carrying out the 1st Summit Meeting on Chemical Regulations in Asia-Pacific (SMCR 2015)during 13-14 October 2015. Experts of Taiwan chemical regulation will come and give an in-depth interpretation, and you will have chance to discuss with experts face to face to give you a better understanding.

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