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The European Commission has Passed the Resolution on Adding Resorcinol into SVHC Candidate List

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In the end of January 2022, the European Commission has formally voted on whether to add resorcinol into SVHC Candidate List. Results show that most of the member states agree to list this substance as SVHC due to its endocrine disrupting properties. According to the majority rule, resorcinol will finally be added into the SVHC Candidate List.


Earlier in February 2020, France has submitted to the European Chemicals Agency a dossier for the identification of resorcinol as a substance of very high concern due to its endocrine disrupting properties. However, as the Member State Committee (MSC) did not reach unanimous agreement on the endocrine disrupting properties of resorcinol, this substance did not list in the SVHC List. In July 2020, the MSC has submitted its opinion to the European Commission for further decisions.

In June 2021, the European Commission has proposed to identify resorcinol as SVHC. However, some of the member states did not agree with the proposal. As a result, the European Commission decided to host this voting.

About Resorcinol

Resorcinol (CAS: Resorcinol), also known as 1,3-Benzenediol, is widely used in many fields, including agriculture, dye, paint, medicine, plastic and rubber. It is an important raw material of fine chemicals.

Besides, resorcinol is also a basic organic chemical intermediates, which is widely used in the synthesis of pesticides and medicine.

About SVHC

SVHC is short for “Substance of Very High Concern”, refers to any substances that has adverse effects on human health and the environment.

The SVHC Candidate List includes substances of very high concern that may have serious effects on human health or environment. These may be placed on the Authorisation List in the future, which means that industry would need to apply for permission to continue using them.

Up to 17 Jan. 2022, the Candidate List of substances of very high concern (SVHCs) has had 223 substances that may have serious effects on people or the environment.

What shall we Do after the Substances are Added into SVHC Candidate List

According to REACH Regulation, producers and importers have to notify ECHA of the substances listed on the Candidate List which are present in their articles, if both the following conditions are met:

(1) The substance is present in their relevant articles above a concentration of 0.1% weight by weight.

(2) The substance is present in these relevant articles in quantities totally over 1 ton per year. Companies have to notify the inclusion of the substance in the Candidate List no later than six months.

Since 5 Jan. 2021, articles containing substances listed in SVHC list with a concentration above 0.1% w/w submit SCIP Notification.

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Further Information

Formal results on voting resorcinol as SVHC


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