14 April 2015, CIRS Free Webinar: Regulatory Compliance for Importing Prepackaged Foods into China and the Latest Updates of Regulations

Food safety issue has become a growing concern among all regulatory issues over the last few years in China. Chinese governments are no longer tolerant to food safety issues, and the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China (AQSIQ) has been putting stricter restrictions to imported foods. AQSIQ released three Notices of Safety Risk Warning of Imported Foods on 30th, December, 2014. The importers, oversea manufacturers and oversea exporters who have food safety problems such as unqualified label, illegal ingredients, microorganism pollution and so on are in the list of these three Notices. In the near future AQSIQ will be much stricter to these imported foods companies.

In the meantime, National Health and Family Planning Commission of the People's Republic of China (NHFPC) has been currently conducting a major reform of the food National Standards since 2013. NHFPC predicted that the revision of food National Standards which includes specific product standards, individual food additive standards, food testing method standards, food related product standards and etc. would be completed by the end of 2015. For the moment, parts of National Standards have been revised and released by NHFPC, and some standards which will exert tremendous influence on imported foods will come into force in 2015.

From these actions of Chinese governments who are in charge of food safety, we can see that 2015 will be very important for food industry. In this Webinar CIRS Food Safety and Regulatory Affairs Department will focus on regulatory compliance obligations for imported foods and highlights of relevant regulations in China. We cordially invite you and your colleagues to join us and take the advantage of this unique opportunity.


China foods regulatory management framework
Procedures of importing prepackaged foods into China
How to make a compliant Chinese food label 
Analysis of relevant national standards of prepackaged foods
Major changes of some important food regulations and national standards
Recent hot topics in food industry (5-10 minutes)


Please feel free to send the questions to cathy.yu@cirs-group.com. CIRS food technical team will collate and analyze the questions which may be addressed in the recent hot topic during the webinar.

Time & Schedule

Date Time Language Registration fee
14 April 2015 21:30-22:30(GMT+8) English Free of charge



Ms. Cathy Yu 
Head of Food Safety and Regulatory Affairs Department from CIRS 
Ms. Cathy Yu's major in university was food science and engineering, she is very familiar with food industry, and has extensive experience in food laws and regulations, especially prepackaged foods related regulations and national standards. This webinar will be given by the experts from CIRS technical team and the collation from Cathy Yu based on her research of China food relevant regulations and her contact with China food authorities.


Who shall attend?

Manufacturers and distributors who export prepackaged foods or foods related to China;
Product formulation developer and Chinese label designer;
Regulatory affairs specialist - personal care industry;
Quality control professionals.


How to register:

After online registration, you will receive a link one day and one hour before the webinar starts. By clicking that link, you shall be able to join our webinar automatically. Please note that space is strictly limited to a maximum of 100 attendees.

Contact us

Hangzhou CIRS Co. Ltd (CIRS China)
11F Building 1, Dongguan Hi-Tech Park, 288 Qiuyi Road, Binjiang District, Hangzhou 310052, China
Tel: +86-571 8720 6538 | Fax: +86-571 8720 6533 
Email: cathy.yu@cirs-reach.com

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