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ECHA Reminds Registrants to Keep Registration Information Up to Date

from ECHA by


As registration has to reflect the most up-to-date knowledge on how a substance can be used safely at production sites and through supply chain all the way down to the end user, registrants need to regularly review their registration dossiers and update them when new information becomes available.

The information in the registration dossier needs to be updated, for example, when registrants learn something new about the composition of the substance, its properties, how it is used by clients, or the specific risk management measures needed. Significant changes in the production or import volumes and the company information must also be reported to ECHA. In addition, new information may become available when new companies want to join the joint submission. This must also be reflected in the joint dossier.

Besides, ECHA will also send a decision requesting more information following dossier or substance evaluation. ECHA examines registrations to verify that the information in them is compliant with the legal requirements. Member States, in turn, use the registrations to scrutinise substances that may be of concern for human health or the environment and may propose further regulatory actions as necessary.

To efficiently update registration dossier, registrants need to have a mechanism in place to coordinate the work within the company and with all registrants of the same substance. Although the lead registrant has to update the joint part of the registration dossier, all registrants of the same substance are together responsible for keeping the data in order and responding to requests for further information. To this end, it is recommended that registrants maintain a cooperation platform with co-registrants.




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