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REACH Data on Chemicals Needs to be Improved

from ECHA by

REACH,Registration,Compliance Check,ECHA,Registration Dossier

17 October 2018, German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) and German Environment Agency (UBA) came into a similar conclusion as ECHA in its work in evaluating registration dossiers after the REACH compliance study: A majority of dossiers subject to compliance check need to improve safety information.

ECHA is required to check at least 5 % of the registration dossiers for compliance and its focuses are on substances that matter the most for human health and the environment.

When ECHA issues a decision and requires companies to provide the missing information, a large majority brings their dossiers into compliance. If in the end registrants do not comply with REACH, the national authorities have the responsibility for enforcement actions.

The aim of compliance checks under REACH is to bring the registration dossiers into compliance with information requirements. They are not used to prevent companies’ access to markets.

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