On May 16, the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) launched a public consultation on UK REACH, which remained open until July 25.
The Alternative Transitional Registration model (ATRm) for UK REACH has been devised in response to the UK government’s impact assessment, which was published in 2023 and estimated that registering substances under UK REACH would cost industry £2 billion by 2030.
The consultation sets out proposals to reduce costs for businesses moving from EU to UK REACH with reductions to duplication of data. It also contains proposals to introduce further protections against unnecessary animal testing.
The ATRm specifically focuses on the submission of data for transitional substances – this covers substances that were “grandfathered”, New Registration for Existing Substances (NRES), or included in a downstream user import notification (DUIN).
Le 24 juin 2024, l'autorité CLP du Royaume-Uni, HSE, a annoncé qu'elle avait conféré un effet légal à 88 substances chimiques répertoriées dans la liste de Classification et Étiquetage Obligatoires du Royaume-Uni (GB MCL). Cette mise à jour est entrée en vigueur immédiatement après sa publication et est conforme aux réglementations. Les mises à jour sont basées sur les 14e et 15e Adaptations au Progrès Technique (ATP), qui actualisent le règlement CLP, émis par la Commission Européenne.